The Halton Sequence in MATLAB

This tutorial presents MATLAB code that prices an Asian option using Monte-Carlo simulation in conjunction with the use of the quasi-random Halton sequence. For a general discussion of Monte-Carlo simulation see the Monte-Carlo Methods tutorial. And for a discussion of the mathematical background to Halton's quasi-random sequence see the Variance Reduction tutorial.

Note that the primary purpose of the code presented here is to show how to implement and use the quasi-random Halton sequence to price the option. The code contains no error checking and as such it is not suitable for inclusion into a larger application without appropriate modifications.

MATLAB Function: HaltonSequence

The following MATLAB function gives an example of how to generate the first n numbers in the Halton sequence with base b. A tutorial on the mathematics behind the Halton sequence is also available.

function hs = HaltonSequence(n,b)
% Function to generates the first n numbers in Halton's low
% discrepancy sequence with base b
% hs = HaltonSequence(n,b)
% Inputs: n - the length of the vector to generate
%         b - the base of the sequence
% Notes: This code focuses on details of the implementation of the
%        Halton algorithm.
%        It does not contain any programatic essentials such as error
%        checking.
%        It does not allow for optional/default input arguments.
%        It is not optimized for memory efficiency or speed.

% Author: Phil Goddard (
% Date: Q2 2006

% Preallocate the output
hs = zeros(n,1);
% Generate the numbers
for idx = 1:n
    hs(idx) = localHaltonSingleNumber(idx,b);

% Subfunction to generate the nth number in Halton's sequence

function hn = localHaltonSingleNumber(n,b)
% This function generates the n-th number in Halton's low
% discrepancy sequence.
n0 = n;
hn = 0;
f = 1/b;
while (n0>0)
    n1 = floor(n0/b);
    r = n0-n1*b;
    hn = hn + f*r;
    f = f/b;
    n0 = n1;

MATLAB Function: BoxMuller

The following MATLAB function gives an example of how to generate normal variates from uniform variates using the basic Box-Muller algorithm. The mathematics behind the Box-Muller algorithm are discussed in the Quasi-Random Sequences section of the Monte-Carlo Variance Reduction tutorial.

function sequence = BoxMueller(hs1,hs2)
% Function to convert uniform variates into normal variates
% using the Box-Muller algorithm.
% sequence = BoxMueller(hs1,hs2)
% Inputs: hs1, hs2 normal sequences (e.g. those generated
%         by a Halton sequence generator)
% Output: sequence - the normal variate sequence
% Notes: This code focuses on details of the implementation of the
%        basic Box-Muller algorithm.
%        It does not contain any programatic essentials such as error
%        checking.
%        It is not optimized for memory efficiency or speed, nor is
%        this particular algorithm the most efficient for performing
%        the conversion being performed.  (It is presented here
%        for learning purposes as it is relatively easy to understand)

% Author: Phil Goddard (
% Date: Q2 2006

R = sqrt(-2*log(hs1));
Theta = 2*pi*hs2;
P = R.*sin(Theta);
Q = R.*cos(Theta);
sequence = [P;Q];

MATLAB Function: AssetPathsHalton

The following MATLAB function gives an example of how to generate Monte-Carlo sample paths using the HaltonSequence and BoxMuller functions.

function S = AssetPathsHalton(S0,mu,sig,dt,steps,nsims)
% Function to generate sample paths for assets assuming geometric
% Brownian motion and using Halton's quasi-random sequence.
% At each time step a different pair of Halton sequences is
% generated using a different pair of prime numbers.
% S = AssetPaths(S0,mu,sig,dt,steps,nsims)
% Inputs: S0 - stock price
%       : mu - expected return
%       : sig - volatility
%       : dt - size of time steps
%       : steps - number of time steps to calculate
%       : nsims - number of simulation paths to generate
% Output: S - a matrix where each column represents a simulated
%             asset price path.
% Notes: This code focuses on details of the implementation of the
%        Monte-Carlo algorithm.
%        It does not contain any programatic essentials such as error
%        checking.
%        It does not allow for optional/default input arguments.
%        It is not optimized for memory efficiency or speed.

% Author: Phil Goddard
% Date: Q2, 2006

% calculate the drift
nu = mu - sig*sig/2;

% Obtain an 1-by-nsteps vector of prime numbers
pVec = primes(1e5); % This will give 9592 numbers
bases = pVec(1:2*steps);

% generate random samples
epsilon = nan(steps,nsims);
for idx = 1:steps
    epsH1 = HaltonSequence(nsims/2,bases(idx));
    epsH2 = HaltonSequence(nsims/2,bases(steps+idx));
    epsilon(idx,:) = BoxMuller(epsH1,epsH2)';

% Generate potential paths
S = S0*[ones(1,nsims); ...

Example Usage

Consider an Asian option with a payoff given by Payoff Equation for an Asian Option

Equation 1: Payoff for an Asian Put and Call Option

where A is the average price of the underlying asset over the life of the option and X is the strike.

The following code is a MATLAB script that uses the AssetPathsHalton function shown above to generate Monte-Carlo sample paths which are then used to price the option.

% Script to price a Asian option using a Halton sequence
S0 =50;       % Price of underlying today
X = 50;       % Strike at expiry
mu = 0.04;    % expected return
sig = 0.1;    % expected vol.
r = 0.03;     % Risk free rate
dt = 1/365;   % time steps
etime = 50;   % days to expiry
T = dt*etime; % years to expiry

nruns = 100000; % Number of simulated paths

% Generate potential future asset paths
S = AssetPathsHalton(S0,mu,sig,dt,etime,nruns,[2 3]);

% calculate the payoff for each path for a Put
PutPayoffT = max(X-mean(S),0);

% calculate the payoff for each path for a Call
CallPayoffT = max(mean(S)-X,0);

% discount back
putPrice = mean(PutPayoffT)*exp(-r*T)
callPrice = mean(CallPayoffT)*exp(-r*T)

The result of executing the above script is,

putPrice =
callPrice =

An example of pricing the same option using standard Monte-Carlo simulation is available in the Pricing an Asian Option in MATLAB tutorial. Other MATLAB based Monte-Carlo tutorials are linked off the Software Tutorials page.

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