Pricing an Asian Option in MATLAB

An Asian option is an example of an option that has a path dependent payoff. This makes it ideally suited for pricing using the Monte-Carlo approach as discussed in the Monte-Carlo Methods tutorial.

The Simulating Multiple Asset Paths in MATLAB tutorial gives an example of MATLAB code for generating the types of multiple asset paths required for option pricing using Monte-Carlo methods. That tutorial is expanded here where MATLAB code for pricing an Asian option is presented.

MATLAB Script: AsianPutCall

The following is code for generating a user specified number of simulated asset paths and then using those paths to price a standard Asian Put and Call option. The payoff of the options is given by

Payoff Equation for an Asian Option

Equation 1: Payoff for an Asian Put and Call Option

where A is the average price of the underlying asset over the life of the option and X is the strike.

% Script to price an Asian option using a monte-carlo approach.

S0 =50;       % Price of underlying today
X = 50;       % Strike at expiry
mu = 0.04;    % expected return
sig = 0.1;    % expected vol.
r = 0.03;     % Risk free rate
dt = 1/365;   % time steps
etime = 50;   % days to expiry
T = dt*etime; % years to expiry

nruns = 100000; % Number of simulated paths

% Generate potential future asset paths
S = AssetPaths(S0,mu,sig,dt,etime,nruns);

% calculate the payoff for each path for a Put
PutPayoffT = max(X-mean(S),0);

% calculate the payoff for each path for a Call
CallPayoffT = max(mean(S)-X,0);

% discount back
putPrice = mean(PutPayoffT)*exp(-r*T)
callPrice = mean(CallPayoffT)*exp(-r*T)   

Example Usage

The following shows the results of executing the AsianPutCall script.

putPrice =
callPrice =

Other MATLAB based Monte-Carlo tutorials are linked off the Software Tutorials page.

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